Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Panda Cory and Dwarf Gourami

Aquarium seems to be maturing pretty good. Ammonia/Nitrite levels are all zero. I discovered 5 snails today, they seem to be growing pretty fast, though with very thin shells. Harlequin Rasboras laid some eggs, but they all disappeared couple of days later. Aquarium is started to get run over by algae. This happened because I delayed adding the cleaner fishes for so long. The two Otocinclus that I added on Sunday are valiantly trying to clean it up.

So today we decided to add some more fishes to our aquarium. Shailja does not like Otocinclus much so we are not adding more of those. I used to have Cory cats, and enjoyed them so we decided to get one of the varieties of these. Our local pet store had a bunch of different kinds, and we settled on Panda Corydoras since they seemed most active and comical. As a plus they were the smallest, and in general I prefer getting small fishes and watching them grow. We got three of these. I think 5 bottom dwellers is enough for our 30G aquarium.
Panda Cory
Second fish that we got today was a Dwarf Gourami (Colisa Lalia). Only a male was available in store, I will probably add a female if I ever run into one. Its a beautiful blue and red color, and likes to hide in the plants. Its such a marked difference looking at the behavior of a "character fish" like the gourami compared to a schooling fish link the Harlequin Rasboras.
Dwarf Gourami
We are getting pretty close to fully stocking the aquarium. Current plan is to get two or three Angel Fishes and a pair of Blue Ram or Bolivian Ram or Kribensis. I am partial to Kribenses, since those were the only fishes that I have kept that had fry's in my aquarium that survived though the Rams are simply spectacular to look at.

Kribensis Mother with Fry from the old 55G aquarium.

1 comment:

  1. We used to chat years ago. Where have you disappeared now? I think you might remember me...


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