Saturday, February 25, 2006

Smart people act smart

The other day I figured that there are three kinds of people. (a) Some who are very intelligent and smart but pretend to be just average or below average, (b) some who are fools but pretend to be better than they are, and finally, (c) some who are smart, and know they are smart, and are not afraid to hide that. It is so refreshing to meet the third kind. I feel split between who is worse, the ones who pretend to be dumb or the ones who pretend to be smart.

I also wonder why type (c) people are sometimes disliked by type (a)....


  1. Well, i think there are lots of reasons. One can be that even though (a) kinda ppl are smart, they are not as sure as (c)..hence the dislike..
    Also, there is an (a) category which is sure and smart but is just indifferent towards showing it, they dun feel a need to use all that they have till the situation requires it and when sum1 as (c) does it they think its unwarranted..Or prolly its just their way of springing surprises..! :)
    I like the title of ur post :)
    Smart one!! :)

  2. Hmmm...But well, as long as they are smart, does it matter! :)

  3. the reason is that (a) gets away by catching people off-guard. sometimes (a) suffers from a confidence problem too. the smartest ones are humblest.


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