Saturday, February 25, 2006

Smart people act smart

The other day I figured that there are three kinds of people. (a) Some who are very intelligent and smart but pretend to be just average or below average, (b) some who are fools but pretend to be better than they are, and finally, (c) some who are smart, and know they are smart, and are not afraid to hide that. It is so refreshing to meet the third kind. I feel split between who is worse, the ones who pretend to be dumb or the ones who pretend to be smart.

I also wonder why type (c) people are sometimes disliked by type (a)....

Friday, February 24, 2006

Downy Woodpecker

A Downy Woodpecker near my home. I am amazed that you can see the reflection of the sun in its eye.

Blogger and sftp

Finally I got blogger to publish this on my server. I run sftp on my home linux machine. When I tried to publish I got this error.

005 Unable to connect to SFTP server: Auth fail

If you are getting this error, try changing PasswordAuthentication to yes in sshd_config.

Well thats about it for today's random thought.